Saturday, 7 May 2011

So... what you doing tomorrow?

Haven't said much in a while because I've been so busy DOING things, so thats very nice!
Spent some time with people who I haven't seen for a while and it was so lovely to not talk about final hand ins and progress with uni... oh wait, I lied! I've got to the stage in my University life where peple are asking me what I'm going to do with my life and thats a bit frightening and also annoying. Although I am a firm believer in plans annd guides and being prepared... I'm not ready to declare my future to anybody yet because I have no idea myself. Why is there this constant need for a future plan anyway? Do people find it  comforting to know the future a little bit so they dont get a fright when it bites them on the bum? Everybody always wants to know what your doing tomorrow or what your doing next year or what your plans are for future... somebody asked me when I thought I'd get married the other day?!! Is it an age thing or just a life thing I wonder? Do people ask those who aren't students what their plans are for life? It could get a bit embarassing if they said "oh just this, I'm going to work in Morrissons for the rest of my life" and so it occured to me, the question "what are your future plans?" is a bloody personal one and people need to stop asking it so often because quite frankly I'm nervous!
Here's a nice picture of two brothers who are enjoying being carefree and not having to answer such hard questions yet...lucky bastards.