Friday 8 April 2011

Learn to grow and grow to learn

Recently I've been thinking about learning and its value with relation to growth as a person. I've been speaking to mothers about their children and about their pregancies and it has been fascinating research. I've been trying to gain access to a marnity unit but with no avail, the NHS is a tough thing to work with I tell you! So instead I want to learn from people I know... or kind of know, which may prove to be more valuable anyway. However there is something quite scary about asking the women in my life about their pregnancies and their thoughts on child development, it  all seems a bit private and delicate, I have no idea what sort of images will come from this but I'm looking forward to it anyway. Thinking of using medium format film and its very nice and delicate, something which would suit my research anyway but i dont want to think too much about the end product while I bask in the joy of my research!
Just keeping you all updaed on where I am.
I wrote 2500 words today for my essay, but those words are all my own and they make no sense but I'm glad I got everything out. It's a bit sad that now Ive got to make it more academic when thats exactly the sort of thing I'm against, and I discuss it in great detail in the text. Nevermind, slave to the man and all that nonsense, if I was more brave I'd sumbit it the way it is, in a totally raw and unpolished way because I think it speaks more about my genuine interest in the subject of learning and growth.

But I'm not going to do that.

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